Causes of Paint Failure
The primary reason for a paint job failure is improper or insufficient surface preparation. Many amateur painters don’t place enough emphasis on preparing the area, which can result in the paint not adhering properly. The prep process will depend on what you’re painting and the type of paint you’re using.
Causes of Paint Failure
The paint not stirred sufficiently
With regards to stirring, unless the manufacturer specifically warns against stirring, it is generally advisable to stir thoroughly. In the case of two pack paints, stir each component thoroughly before mixing, and then stir the mixture to blend them fully.
Paint applied to a contaminated surface
Paint adhesion can be badly affected by contamination on the surface. Good surface preparation will remove this contamination, but if surface preparation is hurried or not done correctly, contamination may cause problems. Forms of contamination include: Dust and dirt, Traffic film, Grease, Oil, Wax.
Incorrect selection of paint or coating
It may be the case that there is not a good compatibility between the paint or coating selected and the material where they are to be applied.
Poor cleaning of the surface. Before applying any layer of paint or coating, it is necessary to clean the surface perfectly to get a correct adhesion of the film with the material. In many cases it is necessary to use specific cleaning compounds
Low resistance to external agents
The resistance of the paint or coating to the external agents that it will face is key when it comes to maintaining good adhesion during its useful life. For this reason, it is essential to take it into account before selecting one type or another. We leave you a link of a success case where we had to find the specific external agent that degraded the paint in order to solve the problem.
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